Hoof Crack Repair Customer Testimonials

For the past 8 years it has been a practice of mine to hire an outside consulting firm to do a performance review on previous work I have performed. This type of feedback is needed to continually provide my customers with, state of the art technology, good service in a timely fashion! I will post anyone's testimonial over time if they so desire.

All efforts are appreciated!
Rusty Freeman


Ross Croghan- Won the 1999 Meadowlands Trainer's Title
"Every horse Rusty has worked on for me was sound in 48 hrs. In each case the foot grew out and stayed very clean…. He worked on a broader area than most. I watched the work, I watched the results, I agree with his theories."

Craig Stein - Ohio trainer "The Black Jack Sulky Innovator"
"I've had tremendous success with Rusty. I've never seen anyone as thorough as he is! Once Rusty patches one it's as good as healed. He is very professional and conscientious about what he does."

Chris Englehart - New York Thoroughbred trainer
"There was no soreness to the area from cutting it away, the results were very good. He followed up regularly to find out how the horse was doing, which is important to me. He is very professional about what he does."

Joel Cohen - Silver Creek Farm Former Quarter Horse Congress - Cutting & Calf Roping Champion, Reining Derby Champion.
"Rusty's as good as there is at putting feet back together. I've been riding these horses for 35 years and didn't just fall off the turnip truck.. I can tell you who can and who can't do the job." I had a pretty high powered cutting horse that I'd won quite a bit with. She messed up her back foot, Rusty repaired it and we did what he said and I was able to show her the rest of the year! I was able to take her to Fort Worth and some other major events that I thought she was going to miss. And were not competing for ribbons at this level- were competing for the dough."

Dr. Jim Ford, DVM - Pennsylvania
"What I know is that the guys around here swear by him. That tells you all you need to know."

Susie Schoellkopf- SBS Farms Hunters & Jumpers
"Rusty does a great job. Every horse he's done for me has been able to get back into the action right away."

Mark Hess- Farrier, Stable Manager Rochester, NY
"Rusty helped us a lot. We had a reining horse that had a quartercrack that was bleeding, and we were getting her ready to go to the reining derby. We were riding her two days after Rusty worked on her and we were able to keep her in training."

Randy Bendis - Pennsylvania Standardbreed trainer
"I just think that there are very few people in our business that can do what he does. He does a very meticulous job. It's his passion as much as his business. What he tells you, you can bank on. He's a true specialist. He knows the business, he knows his anatomy and he knows lameness."

Diane Pafk - Thoroughbred Trainer, Ontario, Canada
"Rusty did several horses for our Training Stable, most recently a 4yr.old Thoroughbred who developed a toe crack causing lameness. As bad as I thought it was, Rusty, as usual, assured the horse would be fine. It was! My horse raced 8 days later and finished 3rd and won the start after! Rusty provides an unduplicated service, a technique in harmony with anatomy and hoof function. I'm glad I found him."


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Copyright 1999 Rusty Freeman and Rusty's Equine Hoof Repairs. This page is designed and maintained by Data Design Group, Ltd.